Eye Care Essentials

  1. Learn If You Are At Risk For Eye Disease

Does your family have a history of diabetes or high blood pressure? Factors like these contribute to your risk of developing sight-threatening eye diseases, so make sure you’re aware of them.

  1. Live A Healthy Lifestyle

The way you live can have a huge impact on your overall health, and that includes your eyes. Eating healthy foods, including plenty of fruits and dark green vegetables will help your eyes stay healthy, as will regular exercise. Avoid bad habits like smoking, as smoking increases a person’s risk of developing a number of sight-threatening conditions.

  1. Schedule Regular Physical Exams

Chronic diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes can cause numerous problems if undiagnosed and untreated, including eye problems. Diabetes, in particular, can lead to vision loss due to diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration, and untreated high blood pressure can lead to eye strokes.

  1. Schedule Regular Eye Exams

The only way your eye doctor will be able to catch an eye disease early on to begin managing and treating it will be if you are scheduling your regular eye exams. Catching these diseases early is often the difference between vision loss and successfully saving the patient’s sight.

  1. Be On The Watch For Changes In Your Vision

Whenever you notice a change in your vision, you should come see us right away. It could be something as simple as needing an updated prescription for your glasses or contacts, but symptoms like red eyes, flashes of light, a sudden increase in the number of floaters you see, and eye pain or swelling may be signs of serious eye problems that need immediate attention.

  1. Protect Your Eyes From UV Rays

Even people with no predisposition for eye disease need eye protection from the sun, but it’s not as simple as grabbing the nearest cheap pair of sunglasses you can find. Make sure that the pair you wear block 100% of UV-A and UV-B rays before you buy them because sunglasses that don’t block UV rays can actually be worse than no sunglasses at all.

Get yourself an eye check at Goodlife Pharmacy, Westlands Arcade today!

Protecting your Vision at Work

As adults, we spend about 80% (if not more) of our time at work! The type of job you have will determine the kinds of risks your eyes are exposed to. We’re therefore going to break them up into two main categories: jobs that mainly involve physical labour and desk jobs.

Preventing Workplace Eye Injuries

Jobs such as construction or manufacturing work, mining, carpentry, auto repair, electrical work, plumbing, welding, and maintenance are all high-risk jobs when it comes to eye injury.

If you work in one of these fields, make sure to wear your safety glasses, goggles, face shield, welding helmet, or full-face respirator as needed.

If you have an office job, you likely don’t face the same risks of eye injuries, but your work conditions could still be hazardous to your eye health. The most common eye problem for office workers is computer vision syndrome, also known as digital eye strain.

Constantly staring at your computer screen might not cause permanent damage to your eyesight, but it can make your eyes tired and irritated and negatively impact your work, with symptoms including headaches, neck pain, inattentiveness, back strain, and dry eye.

A few ways you can fight back against that eye strain include repositioning your screen, following the 20-20-20 rule (Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds) making an effort to blink more often, using artificial tears, drinking plenty of water, using an anti-glare screen or wearing computer glasses, and, finally, scheduling regular eye exams!

Why do Eye Exams Matter?

  1. Prevention Is Better Than Cure

A number of eye diseases are slow-acting so that they’re very advanced by the time you notice the symptoms. The most important action we can take to avoid permanent vision loss from these types of diseases is to schedule those regular eye exams so that they can be caught early on and treated.

  1. A Simple Vision Screening Won’t Cut It

Let’s take schools as an example. Many schools provide free vision screenings, which seems like a pretty good deal. The problem is that these screenings focus on visual acuity, which means they don’t catch everything. Only a comprehensive eye exam with an optometrist can check for other issues that could be making vision-related tasks such as reading difficult or uncomfortable for a child.

  1. Don’t Let Digital Eye Strain Impact Your Work

A lot of us have jobs that require us to spend most of the day looking at a computer screen, and this can lead to eye strain, with symptoms such as blurred vision, dry eyes, and headaches. Regular eye exams are a great way to make sure you have the right tools to fight back against eye strain.

  1. Keep Those Prescriptions Up-To-Date!

Our vision changes as we get older and glasses or contacts that used to provide us with perfectly clear vision may gradually become less effective. Don’t subject yourself to months or years of endless squinting. Schedule your next eye exam so you can get new lenses!

  1. The Eyes Are The Windows To Overall Health

As important as it is to have eye exams so as to prevent and diagnose eye diseases as well as keep your prescription current, they’re also a great way to look out for your overall health. The eye doctor is often the first person to spot the signs of diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and even cancer, all from a routine eye exam.

Come to Goodlife Pharmacy, Westlands Arcade and get your eyes tested today!

Skin Care for Baby

Trying to decide what baby skincare products to use for your baby can be overwhelming. When you visit a pharmacy, you will see countless brands and products. Piece of advice? Less is more. The fewer chemicals, fragrances and additives in newborn skincare products, the better.

Here are a few tips to keep your baby’s skin healthy:

Bath Time

Babies don’t work 9 to 5 and they are not hitting the gym after-mid- morning naps for that matter. Except for drool and diapers, newborns don’t get very dirty. For the first few months or so, a sponge bath two to three times a week works best. Excess bathing removes the newborn’s natural skin oil and leaves it dry and vulnerable.

Keep baths short, and be extremely gentle with the skin during the first few months to prevent damage to the skin barrier. After the bath, apply a moisturizer such as Aveeno baby moisturizer to improve the condition and function of the skin barrier in premature infants.


Skin Rashes

Don’t be surprised if your baby’s complexion isn’t as smooth and perfect as you thought it would be. Babies skin is prone to dryness, cradle cap, rashes and blemishes.

Matter of fact, nappy rashes are one of the most common skin conditions related to baby’s butt. Products such as Bepanthen Nappy Care Ointment are highly effective in dealing with nappy rashes hence making it easy to treat your child. Consult your medical provider if the rashes persist or if you suspect an allergic reaction.

Sun-Safe Baby

Because infants’ skin is so sensitive, it’s better in the first six months to shield them from the sun. It’s especially important to avoid direct sun exposure and seek the shade during the sun’s hours of greatest intensity between 10 AM and 4 PM. Keep to the shady side of the street on walks and use the sun shield on your stroller. Of high importance is to use sunscreens like Laroche Posay SPF 50 Baby Sunscreen which helps prevent baby’s skin from burning. This product is highly recommended for kids because it has a sun protection factor of 50, is waterproof and contains both Vitamin E and B5. Good news is, it’s available on special at a Goodlife Pharmacy near you! Apply it 30 minutes prior to taking baby for that warm sunbath and you’re good to go!

For more products on all things baby skincare and mum care, visit a Goodlife Pharmacy near you.


Keeping your Teeth Healthy & your Smile Bright

We all know to brush our teeth each morning and night, but there’s a lot more that goes into maintaining a healthy mouth.

Dental and oral health is an essential part of your overall health and well-being. There are many solutions for ensuring healthy teeth, all available at a Goodlife Pharmacy near you!

Before you pay us a visit, here are some tips to keep you going:

1. Brush twice a day

While this may be an obvious one, it’s too important for us not to stress. Brush your teeth for two minutes, twice a day, with a fluoridated toothpaste such as Colgate Herbal. Don’t get carried away with brushing though, as too much pressure can wear down your teeth and irritate your gums.

2. Don’t forget the floss

Flossing once a day reduces gingivitis and other gum diseases. This is because flossing reaches the area between your teeth that is inaccessible to a toothbrush, breaking up dental plaque there before it causes any damage. This is particularly important as you age, since gum tissue between teeth shrinks, leaving bigger gaps where food can get stuck.

3. Eat the right foods

As we everything to do with your body, your nutrition plays a big role in overall oral care. Eating three or four servings of foods rich in both calcium and phosphorus such as dairy products helps promote strong teeth. Citrus fruits, tomatoes, peppers and leafy greens rich in vitamin C also help with gum health. Rinse your mouth with Listerine after eating dried fruits in order to prevent them from sticking to your teeth and ultimately damaging. The more often you eat, the more acid you introduce on your teeth. Try to rinse your mouth out after any meals to get rid of food particles.

  1. Routine visit to the dentist

You don’t have to wait for an aching tooth to visit a dentist. Remember, if symptoms persist, seek dental care advice. More importantly though, prevention is better than cure J

Any other tips you follow that get your smile looking like a million bucks? Share with us!






What You Need To Know About Reproductive Health

Whenever the subject of reproductive health comes up, most think this is limited to reproductive organs. While they play a crucial part, sexual & reproductive health factors in complete physical, mental and social wellbeing. As we celebrate the month of love, let’s show some love to our bodies’ wellbeing by conducting a refresher on reproductive health.


Step 1: Safe Sex Life

Good sexual reproductive and sexual health calls for safe sex life, which is also tied to the ability to reproduce. While some forms of contraceptives (i.e. condoms – Goodlife has a range of condoms to suit every diverse need – https://www.goodlife.co.ke/products/ ) work in ensuring safe sex, other forms of contraceptives go the extra mile of ensuring the freedom to decide if, when and how often one is interested in having children. Thus, family planning is a vital part of reproductive health. Speak to your doctor or a healthcare professional and exhaustively investigate before picking a contraceptive option.

Step 2: Access to information

Maintaining great reproductive health calls for access to accurate information. From the basics of the working of the human body to information on contraceptives, accurate information should also include affordability of contraceptives and transparency on the various options available (and the after effects of each).
This information is available at hospitals, clinics and pharmacies; our pharmacy technicians are happy to walk through the process with you.


Step 3: Protection from STIs.

In an age where sex is not as big a taboo as it previously was, infection control is important. Sexual and reproductive health calls for one to be informed on the different sexually transmitted infections that are prevalent in the society and be empowered enough to be able to protect oneself from these infections. Talking with your doctor or gynecologists is one way to become garner the necessary information. Additionally, you can be proactive enough to schedule body checkups which take into account your wellbeing, here’s list of the different tests offered at Goodlife- hyperlink.

Sexual and reproductive health is a personal matter and each individual has the right to make decisions pertaining to their own health. When you need an expert opinion, feel free to pop in to one of our Goodlife Pharmacies for discreet and personalized one on one!

The Basics Of Healthy Living

February is marked as the Healthy Awareness Month and while that’s a great initiate, stepping back and looking at how to best live better lives, it can feel a little daunting. But it doesn’t have to be.

Healthy living doesn’t mean breaking the bank as you shop for exotic vegetables, neither does it mean breaking your back with an expensive gym membership. There are a few things you can do, without breaking a sweat that will see you lead a better life. Here’s a list to help you get started;


  1. Cut down on sugar
    Sugar tastes great, but it doesn’t always sit that well with your body. This would explain why your older loved ones cut back on sugar as they age. You can beat that clock by limiting your sugar intake from a younger age.
    A great way to do this is reducing the amount of sugar you add onto tea and foods in general. Alternatively, you could use sweeteners in the place of sugar. Options like stevia and honey are readily available at your favorite cafe, at no extra cost. You can also shop for them at local supermarkets and fresh produce markets.To beat down those oh-so-notorious sugar cravings, grab a fruit. The crunch of an apple or the juiciness of an orange sates those cravings, without compromising on your health. The secret? Always have a fruit with you, throw one into your bag as you leave the house.
  2. Go easy on the salt
    There’s a reason our mums didn’t favour adding salt to already cooked food. Too much salt increases blood pressure which might lead to heart diseases and/or strokes. You do not have to completely get rid of salt from your diet- it’s a great source of vital iodine- but you can limit your usage to just what’s necessary.A great way to measure the salt that goes into your food, is opting for home cooked meals as opposed to eating out. This way, you are able to weigh in, quite literally, on what goes on your plate and into your body.
  3. Limit your alcohol intake
    Alcohol is often hailed as the life of the party, but too much alcohol is not the best thing for your body. For starters, it poses a risk to your liver, an organ that plays an important role in the body’s metabolic processes.
    Heavy drinking can cause chronic diseases such as HBP (High blood pressure), heart disease, stroke and digestive issues. There’s also a risk of alcohol poisoning, which has been known to lead to death.

Excessive drinking also increases your risks of getting cancer and cardiovascular disease.


  1. Exercise
    The gospel of working out has been preached since time immemorial, we will not bore you with its benefits. After all, we all want great skin, strong bones and muscles, so why repeat these old facts. Instead, we would like to mention easy ways to exercise without breaking the bank.
    Working out at home is the easiest one, with a yoga mat or just a plain old carpet, you are ready to go. There are countless videos online offering guided home workouts, most of them are available for free. Another option is going for a run, there’s something about the clarity of thought after a good run!
  2. Regular body checkups
    Sometimes, you need some insight on the workings of your body and there’s no better way or place to get through these than by attending medical checkups. There is a variety of checkups available, depending on what part of your health you are interested in. In fact, at Goodlife, we offer a myriad of tests, here’s (hyperlink) comprehensive list that should help you take care of your body this healthy lifestyle month and throughout the rest of the year.

Pediatric Twitter Chat Recap


In the month of January, we had Dr. Mary speaking with us on the intricacies of raising a child. She answered a few questions from mums on our social media platforms. Here’s a recap:


  1. Could washing a newborn with e.g. Johnsons top to toe wash immediately after birth cause skin conditions early enough such as eczema and psoriasis?

Those conditions are mostly genetic. There are babies who are genetically at risk. And would usually have triggers.
So yes, you can wash and observe the baby’s response. Not all babies will react.


  1. My son always has recurring tonsillitis, we don’t do sodas or cold stuff. He also blocked nose and sneezes every morning what do?Seems like the baby has allergic tendencies. It would help if they got evaluated by a pulmonologist. A pulmonologist; a chest and respiratory system specialist.


  1. My baby has rashes on his face any recommendations?
    It would help to have baby checked most rashes can only be diagnosed after seeing. However, if the rash is on areas that sweat a lot it can be heat rash. In this heat try not to overdress the baby.
    additional info on how to take care of your baby in the heat; Baby can be bathed. Cool environment.
    If it’s hot for an adult it’s also hot for the baby.
    Ensure hydration. If breastfeeding ensure feeding on demand. If the child is older give more fluids.


  1. My baby who is one month old is fed on formula and breast milk and his stool seems hard and it’s hard for him to pass stool.
    Formula milk may make some babies stool a bit hard. If possible, feed more on breast milk. It digests easier. There are some relief suppositories that can be prescribed by a doctor to relief if the baby is unable to pass stool.


  1. Okay. Is there like a permanent way of controlling sinus infections? A baby who’s going to school and is exposed to various triggers every day.


Those infections are called upper respiratory infections and will unfortunately get those when in contact with other children and they transmit to each other.
Flu vaccines helps to some extent. But the bright side they will outgrow.


  1. My little one has atopic dermatitis are there any foods in particular we should avoid?

Different foods have different and varied allergenic potential. So, baby has to go through an elimination process. Proteins like egg white and fish and peanuts are highly allergenic. There is also a service where a baby can go through allergen testing.

Re: Allergen testing the skin is subjected to a variety of allergens and an observation is done on the reaction to each. Usually is done by an allergy specialist.


  1. Is it normal for a baby to prefer one boob over the other and totally refuse to take? What could be the cause?

Yes, it is possible. There are varied reasons with the most common being the shape of the nipple and how fast and house easy it is to obtain milk during breastfeeding from that particular breast.

It would help to start with that ‘unpopular’ breast. And always ensuring its emptied to ensure constant milk supply.


  1. My baby’s legs and hands tend to feel a bit cold or cool to the touch while the rest of the body is warm. Is it normal?

This could be a way of getting rid of excessive heat. It also happens when a baby has a fever. Check the baby’s temperature.


  1. My baby has been having kikohozi since birth and it does not seem to go away. He is now three months. What should I do?

The baby needs evaluation by a pediatrician.


Got any baby related questions? Feel free to ask in the comment section of our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!

Cure Your Sunburn

The festive season is a filled with joy and family but it is also an active one. This activity leads to a lot of outdoor plans which more often than not, lead to exposure to the sun.

While we trust that you packed some sunscreen as you embarked on your festivities, we understand that there is the chance that you forgot. With that in mind, and as a precautionary measure for the future, we put together this article to help you deal with sunburn.

The severity of sunburn usually depends on two things: skin type and the level of exposure to the sun-generally, the risk of sunburn increases the closer you are to the Equator. It is important to treat sunburn as soon as it happens by getting out of the sun and/or reducing exposure to the sun by applying a cold, damp towel to the affected area.

Avoid picking at the affected areas or attempting to burst the blisters, however, moisturize- aloe vera gel is perfect for this particular case. Severe exposure also means that you might be dehydrated so drink your water, drink, drink.

Severe sunburn might be painful, treat this with ibuprofen. This is available over the counter at Goodlife.

In the ensuing days, reclaim your skin from sunburn by using after sun care products. Vitamin C cream and Aloe Vera gel, several times a day. Below is a breakdown of after sun care products and their different roles:

  1. CALYPSO AFTERSUN & INSECT REP                                                                                                                        Calypso After Sun with insect repellent is a lotion that will not only cools and leaves your skin feeling refreshed, it also soothes.  Calypso contains aloe vera which moisturizes reducing dryness. Regular usage can help prolong your tan.
  2. CALYPSO ALOE AFTER SUN                                                                                                                                      Calypso Aftersun Aloe Vera Gel cools, soothes and rejuvenates your skin after sun exposure. It restores moisture to your skin
    Calypso After sun Lotion is the ideal product to use after a long day soaking up the sun. It contains anti-ageing properties and is formulated to cool, refresh and moisturize your skin
    It leaves your skin feeling instantly relieved, cooled and soothed. Gives relief against hair depilation and shaving. Spray liberally to all areas overexposed to the sun.
    Sun Burn Relief Calypso Sun Burn Relief is a unique plant derived multifunctional spray, formulated to help restore your skin and Treat over exposer to sun. Instant cooling, soothes skin irritation including insect bite and stings.
    This specially formulated after sun gel contains Menthol for a dramatic cooling effect.
    Aloe Pura Organic Aloe Vera Gel Sun Protection Lotion is produced from 100% Pure Aloe VeraInner Gel, capturing the maximum nutritional activity of the Aloe vera plant.
    Malibu is a comprehensive range of sun protection, perfect for the whole family. From lotions to dry tanning oils, available in a variety of Sun Protection Factors (SPF). Malibu Sun SPF 30 High Protection Kids Lotion UVA/UVB. Reapplied frequently, this SPF 30 lotion provides protection from UVA and UVB rays. Product Features: High protection UVA/UVB sunscreen, titanium dioxide physical sunscreen, non-whitening, vitamin enriched (Vitamin E, Pro Vitamin B5), very water resistant, dermatologically tested.
    Moisturizing after sun with aloe, cocoa butter and coconut oil soothes and smoothens sun-kissed, dry skin, helping you to keep your tan for longer.
    NIVEA SUN After Sun Moisturizing Lotion has a cooling formula that absorbs quickly and intensively moisturizes the skin for 24 hours. It contains Aloe Vera and precious Avocado Oil, maintains the skins elasticity and leaves a soft and silky skin feeling.

Any other tips you got, products you love? Do share with us!


You have come really far with us guys! From one year, into another, into another… And suddenly, we’re in 2019. Who’d have thought? With the passing of so much time, you are no longer just customers, you have become pharmily. And if there’s one thing that family does, family tells the truth.

The truth here is that it’s January and we are leaving the ‘New Year, New Me’ story in the past. You are not going to wake up one day and discover a new version of yourself just because the earth has orbited around the sun once. Truth is, you do not need to because you are unique and no one wants to replace a unique being. What you can do though, is improve on the unique being that is you. Should you choose to do just that, we are excited to go on that journey with you. We are committed to helping you live the Goodlife.

While definitions of living the Goodlife may vary from person to person, we are excited to see you unlock new levels in your skin’s glow, help mum’s have an even better bonding experience with their little ones through conveniences such as rash cream, get you on your health goals with our annual health check  and did we mention beard game? Whatever little way you’re improving this year, we guarantee our side to side support because Goodlife might be a Pharmacy, but in addition to pharmacy services, we also offer beauty services– with in house specialists offering free consultation  and health offerings . The last bit though, gets even better for we have partnered with Lancet Group of Labs to offer you lab services, at select Goodlife stores. Click here to view the different tests offered as you plan out your year.

In the spirit of sharing, our 2019 resolution is simple: to help you look and feel good for the rest of the year and then some. Step into a Goodlife near you today and let’s keep walking the good walk together.