Its basic active ingredients (Hydroxyproline, Aspartic Acid, Enzymatic Activator and Taurine) have been tested through the Transdermic Technology (low molecular weight and with 3 enhancers) for evaluating their penetration into the hair system not only via trans-follicular route (through the follicle opening) but also transdermally (ex vivo test with Franz Cells), i.e. through the skin layers of the scalp (epidermis and dermis). Even the active ingredients of the Hair Follicular Islands complex have been transdermic-technologically developed, so to be useful to reduce the hair loss not only in single hair follicles but also in the hair follicular islands.
The formulation is enriched with the active ingredients of Crescina complex to promote hair regrowth. Cadu-Crex is useful for preventing and reducing the physiological, non-pathological, causes of hair loss. It does not act on completely atrophied follicles.