It does not interfere with breastfeeding and lets your baby feed the way they learned at the breast, which makes switching from breast to Calma and back easy. It doesn’t interfere with nursing _nd allows y_ur baby to feed in the s_me w_y he _r she le_rned _t the bre_st, m_king the tr_nsiti_n fr_m bre_st t_ __lm_ _ breeze. __lm_ is _n ex_ellent substitute f_r breastmilk f_r m_ms wh_ wish t_ _ffer their kids bre_stmilk. __lm_ elimin_tes the need f_r newb_rns t_ _djust their normal e_ting habits. __lm_ gives your baby the freedom to drink, __use, _nd bre_the in its _wn time. The baby __ntr_l the milk flow with the su_ti_n __ntr_l me_h_nism. Regardless of h_w tightly the te_t is s_rewed _n, the b_ttle employs an _ir venting mechanism t_ discharge milk. The _ne-_f-_-kind feeding __ti_n f_r y_ur b_by best it’s t_ st_rt using _ te_t after breastfeeding is established.