Pharmaton Capsules balance out energy levels throughout the day – reducing Daily Fatigue, exhaustion and hence improving physical and mental performance.
Benefits & Features
If Pharmaton capsules are taken regularly, the benefits should be felt within a few weeks.
Pharmaton Caplets is a phyto-based medicine (medicinal products containing plants or part of plants as the active ingredients).
Pharmaton Caplets contains a unique plant based extract G115® – extracted from Panax Ginseng. It is the only clinically proven product to relieve Daily Fatigue and is supported by more than 30 clinical trials. The trials demonstrate that the treatment can reduce tiredness and improve physical and mental performance.
If taken regularly, the benefits of Pharmaton® Capsules should be felt within a few weeks. The treatment works by evening out energy levels throughout the day – reducing Daily Fatigue, exhaustion and hence improving physical and mental performance.
Pharmaton Caplets contains a unique blend of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and the clinically proven, standardised G115® ginseng extract.
Pharmaton Caplets work by raising the general level of cellular activity, which is expressed by a pronounced increase in the physical and mental capacity.
It is also appropriate when exhausted due to stress, poor diet and illness impose additional demands on nutrition and when vitamins and mineral supplementation is needed