Suresign Pregnancy Test is a quick and easy way to find out if you are pregnant, using a urine sample to detect for the presence of human Chronic Gonadotropin (hCG). hCG is produced 48 to 72 hours after conception and can normally be detected seven days following conception. Results are given using coloured lines.
Suresign Pregnancy Test can be used as early as 4 days before your period is due and is 99% accurate when used one day after the period is due.
Full instructions included.
Higher Sensitivity than competitors; detects 15mIU/mL of hGC allowing for detection as early as four days before the period is due*
Tested to the highest standard; 99% accurate when used one day after the period is due.
Results in 3 minutes.
* When used four days before the period is due, the test is approximately 90% accurate for women with a regular cycle.